
CIA sketch battle

Met Michael Ditullo tonight at the first annual CIA "sketch battle", you know the main moderator/organizer guy on core77.com, also chief Nike designer. Anyways, the sketch battle was really fun, they had 4 projectors and cintiqs set up with photoshop and sbp running, and heats of 4 (student) designers at a time. Wan of CIA Illustration ended up with 2nd place and Joe Spalding of CIA Product Design class of 2009 took first. And I got a superlative for "Best Style" which included a sweet plaque with cool shades plastered all over it. Wonderful.

The whole CIA vibe was very lively and warm, everybody was really getting into the whole sketching spirit, like the bunch of geeky kids at heart we are. So now I want this to happen at CCS. We need organization!!


Charlangas! said...

definitely! it would be really fun to do something similar here at ccs

A.E. Kieren said...

we need that here
I would destroy ANGELO!