
Thanksgiving clay

We've been working feverishly on our clay models lately and things are finally starting to come together. Here's where I left off last night. Today I'm off to Cleveland to visit the super cool CIA peoples and have some turkey! Anyways, happy thanksgiving and don't forget to stuff your faces.



This koala character's been popping up in a bunch of my viscom work lately so yea. He's a shifty character.


PGW sketches

Started roughing out my final board for the term project and thought this blob of freshly scanned sketches was amusing.


People practice

Quick study. I should do one a night, or I'll never be able to draw people on my own.

And this is a sand animation my animation buddy Erin showed me how to do. Cheered me up on a pretty downer night, thanks Erin!


Some progress on the clay, overlays trying to figure out some surfaces and adjusting proportions a bit (smushed the greenhouse about an inch)