
Yacht - Closure

This weekend, Ed, the good room mate that he is, drove us back to Detroit so I could finish up my neverending boat model. Lowe and behold, the model shop was closed....all weekend. So I begged the security guard to let me grab my model out of the locked model shop...and was denied, because I lacked proper documentation. Anyway after much freaking out and desperate moans, I called the trans chair (Larry Erickson) on my friend's phone (since mine was dead) with the number I had on a napkin from one of the seniors, let him and the guard have a chat. So miraculously, the model was back in my arms, being cradled like a baby, and I finished it in the commons area in utter secrecy. Also there was some undercover painting involved. Anyway, after a weekend of nonstop work and freaking out, the neverending model has finally ended. Thank you god, if you're listening. So thank you Ed, my mom, dad, dog, grandpa, Neal (model shop), Jon S for the sweet bent plywood stand, Jon Russel for helping me with sanding and shit, oh and letting me sleep in your room for a week + 2 days, also Lauren for the same, and Zack for superglue and primer, Chris Persons for helping me with the vac forming and HakSoo for a bunch of shit and Mr. Roney for being the coolest studio teacher ever, Steve for being a hardass and printing out my "fairy dollhouse pillows", and Joe and Randy and Jose and Kelly and Larry and the CCS family.

Anyways thanks guys I'm so grateful for all the help. Here are the pictures.


Thomas Zenteno said...

Congrats on finishing. That is an insane model... Sounds like it was really tough, but the final turned out great!

Erin Greener said...

No more boats for you.

Vaughan Ling said...

Thanks guys.

Erin - :( I like boats.

Anonymous said...

Sweeeeeeeeet yacht!

Unknown said...

Dude! I am so happy you finished it! And it looks so sweet! After all you encouraged me to finish mine.