Watched Shawshank Redemption tonight which was enlightening. Now I can't wait to get to the beach back home in Miami. Did some sketches for the Local motors Detroit contest, it probably doesn't help that the deadline is today. And the purply pinkness is lauren's fault.

Jaymer was also over here showing me up with some vodka infused sketches.
Do you and ed get back around the same time? we should go to the beach and play ping pong....
It wasn't supposed to be purple. It was supposed to be pink....
and jaymer is crazy. he needs to stop drawing while intoxicated. it makes the rest of us look bad
Go Lauren...I love is one of my fav's. V, do you love Detroit?
Local - I'm warming up to it :P
Don't think I can make the competition, sadly. This just happens to be my finals week :(
getting back at the end of may probably. but yes beach is top priority
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